A tabletop RPG based on the DIE comic, created by Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans, and produced by the makers of Spire and Heart.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Updated core rulebook!
5 months ago
– Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 08:29:29 AM
I'll make this update quick, because I've hijacked the Rowan, Rook and Decard Kickstarter account to write it.
We've just updated the core rulebook PDF, handling some pesky little typos and errors that have been hanging about for a while. You've probably already had an email from Backerkit about it but if not, consider this your official notice.
Log in to Backerkit and download v1.5 at your leisure.
DIE Scenarios volume 1, Bizarre Love Triangles, is available now! On our website and also in other places! And the sequel, Love is a Battlefield, is out next month! That's quite a bit of DIE you may not have yet?!
That is all. Goodbye!
Chant (current DIE producer/book janitor)
The Wicked + The Divine: THE COVERS VERSION
7 months ago
– Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 10:04:16 AM
You probably don’t know me but I’m Chant – currently Rowan, Rook and Decard’s producer for the DIE RPG. I’m not actually here about the DIE RPG (though we have got a new book of scenarios out, and another one coming soon, and an updated version of the GM screen… no. Never mind. Not now, Chant).
I’m here because I assume you, like me, are pretty serious Kieron Gillen fans and it’s ten years since the release of The Wicked + The Divine, Kieron and Jamie McKelvie’s comic about life, death, gods, and pop music. To celebrate this auspicious event they have, in Kieron’s words, “gone full Beyoncé” and are dropping a brand new Wic + Div crowdfunder.
The Wicked + The Divine: THE COVERS VERSION
Live on Kickstarter now, they’re putting out a gorgeous art book that collects every cover ever made for the beloved comic “that Chip Zdarsky left out of his list of favourite comics in Men's Health.”
A beautiful coffee table book and a work of art itself, it will encompass all 126 of the covers, variants, and a new piece of art by McKelvie, along with some making-of features that show the process from concept art to finished piece.
The choice is yours: A standard edition. A deluxe edition, parts of which are holographic. A signed bookplate. An art print.
DIE SCENARIOS Vol 1: BIZARRE LOVE TRIANGLES presents three new ways to play the DIE RPG - one written by original author Kieron Gillen, and two more by Nathan Blades and Laurie O’Connell.
July Update
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 07:23:47 AM
Well folks, we did it. Thanks to all of your support, DIE has now shipped to everyone who backed it and pre-ordered it, worldwide. If your book hasn’t already arrived, then it should at least be on its way, and we’ve had reports of them landing in Singapore, Japan, Australia and New Zealand now.
So: we’ll be closing down the Backerkit on Monday, and putting the books, dice and coins all up for sale on our website for general customers. We’re also sending out reviewer copies and fulfilling game store orders, so hopefully DIE will be appearing in an FLGS near you. (If you’re in the UK, look out for the next issue of Tabletop Gaming magazine, featuring some awesome Stephanie Hans art that you may recognise!)
We couldn’t be prouder of what we’ve managed to create here, and we hope you’re all proud too.
… or is it?
As most of you know, writing a tabletop RPG like DIE is very much the beginning of a process: the game's not complete till it's played. And there are many more stories we want to make possible in the DIE universe. So we’re going to be starting that soon.
Kieron and two other writers are already working on the first part of, we hope, a four part series: DIE Scenarios, a set of short softcover books giving you different ways to play DIE. The first part, working title Bizarre Love Triangles, should be available to order later this year; you can sign up for the RR&D mailing list if you’d like to make sure not to miss it.
Lots of you are already in the DIE Discord, where we’re hearing stories of the game being played, discussing character ideas and finding new ways to play with the game and the comics alike. We’d love to know how you find the game, what works for you, and what kinds of stories you manage to create. We’ve got plenty more plans for DIE, so please do come join us.
Thanks again for everything,
Kieron, Stephanie, Grant, Maz, Zach and all the crew at RR&D
June update: APAC shipping
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 02:43:41 AM
Hello folks! We've been working on getting the last parcels out to people in the Asia Pacific region. For the avoidance of doubt, this covers people with shipping addresses in Australia, China, Guam, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand amd Taiwan. Thanks to all of you for your patience through this process.
TL:DR; we're shipping starting Monday
Last time, we told you that there was a pallet of goods making its way to Aetherworks for further fulfilment. The bad news is that it's still on the way; a journey that was originally planned as 31 days door-to-door is going to take more than 90 days, due to a rich melange of issues that are no one's fault except for the global supply chain and, possibly, customs agents. That puts us in a situation where we might not be able to start shipping till September.
So: we're not going to do that. Instead, we're going to sort out a batch of parcels from our UK and/or US providers. It will cost us more money to do, but it means we will be able to put the books in your hands much more quickly, and to make sure that at least you all have parcels on the way before we go to Gen Con. With that in mind, we'll be locking down all remaining addresses, in about 48 hours' time. If you haven't updated your address and it isn't locked yet, please log in to Backerkit and do so now. After that, the remaining parcels will ship out over the next two weeks, and you'll get a tracking code emailed to you when your parcel is packed.
Everyone else...
...you should have your things by now! There are a few exceptions - we're still working through the issues we had with shipping to Israel and Brazil, so we've been in touch with several backers who've been directly affected. We've also been reaching out to backers whose parcels have been returned. If you don't have your parcel yet and you've not heard from us, please drop us a line to [email protected] so we can follow up.
What this means is that we'll also be closing pre-orders in about two weeks' time, and moving to proper release. We're very excited - and looking forward to sharing what's next for DIE, too. Thanks for all your support for this project.
Big love,
Maz, Kieron, Stephanie, Grant and everyone at RR&D